2025 SMSI Bannerklein

P4.08 - Detection of metal ions using fluorescent gold nanoclusters

13. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium 2017
2017-12-04 - 2017-12-06
Hotel Elbflorenz, Dresden
P4. Umweltsensorik
M. Vogel, S. Matys - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, HelmholtzInstitute Freiberg for Resource Technology, Freiberg + Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Institute of Resource Ecology, Dresden/D, K. Pollmann - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology, Freiberg/D, J. Raff - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology, Freiberg + Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden- Rossendorf, Institute of Resource Ecology, Dresden/D
301 - 304


S-layer proteins appear to be suitable for wide variety of different technical applications due to their distinctive physico-chemical properties and their multifunctionality. Since several years the focus has been placed especially on their potential use for biosensor applications. There are many approaches under investigation to develop sensors that are highly specific and sensitive as well as robust, reliable and not expensive. Optical methods currently appear an attractive solution. Colloidal gold nanoparticle suspensions as sensory active systems, for instance, have been the subject of intensive investigations for many years. An additional promising approach is the use of proteins as template structures for the production of highly fluorescent, size-controlled gold nanoclusters (Au-NC). These gold nanoclusters can be synthesized directly at the protein by a simple chemical reaction. We present current investigations on different kind of proteins such as bovine serum albumin, calmodulin, and S-layer protein. In combination with the known S-layer or calmodulin mediated selective and specific binding of ionic analytes, e.g. rare earth elements as surrogates/analogues for intrinsic protein bound Ca2+, a subsequent analyte-induced change in the fluorescence intensity of the gold nanoclusters might be used as sensory system for the detection of such strategic relevant elements.
