2025 SMSI Poster klein

5.4 - C Band Telemetry Tests Results

etc2014 - 34. European Telemetry and Test Conference
2014-06-03 - 2014-06-05
5. C-Band & New Modulations
F. Jimenez - Airbus Defence and Space, Sevilla (Spain)
91 - 96


The purpose of this paper is to show how Airbus Defence and Space has developed its initial C Band Telemetry capabilities for Flight Test and the final results and conclusions obtained during the C band telemetry campaign. New dual transmission and reception telemetry chains have been validated both capable to work in S or C Band. Also, a new telemetry model in C band has been assessed in order to predict telemetry behavior and quality of the link (coverage, bit error rate...) taking into account different modulations and data rates. The first modified telemetry station in order to receive in C band has been the Telemetry Mobile Station of Airbus Military, with an antenna of 5 feet diameter and with a new dual band feeder. The main objectives of the C band test campaign are:
• Optimize the antenna alignment to the target in order to meet the thinner reception lobe in C band, about 2.8 degrees, compared to the 5 degrees previously used in S Band.
• Test new scenarios combining PCM/FM (Pulse Code Modulation / Frequency Modulation is n used in all the tests in S band up to today) and SOQPSK modulation with new data rates from 4 Mbps up to 20 Mbps.
• Link Budget model characterization and validation.
This paper describes the starting point (theoretical mathematical model of the C band Link) and the arrival point (real and validated mathematical model based on the results).
