2025 SMSI Poster klein

Available documents

Event Title Author(s)
etc2016 - 36. European Telemetry and Test Conference 2.1 - Adaption of Fibre Optic Sensors and Data Processing Systems for Flight Test on a Bulldog Light Aircraft N. Lawson, R. Correia, M. Partridge, S. Staines, S. James, J. Gautrey, R. Tatam - Cranfield University (U. K.)
etc2016 - 36. European Telemetry and Test Conference 2.2 - Coupling of MEMS gyroscope application with wavelet analysis for detection of airframe oscillations in flight conditions J. Bakunowicz, P. Rzucidlo - Rzeszow University of Technology (Poland)
etc2016 - 36. European Telemetry and Test Conference 2.3 - Developing a Novel Contactless Sensor for Helicopter Rotor State Measurements P. Cordisco, E. Vigoni - Vicoter, Calolziocorte (Italy), R. Liu, E. Zappa - Politecnico di Milano, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Milano (Italy), M. Redaelli, L. Riviello - Finmeccanica Helicopter Division, Varese (Italy), A. Rolando, F. Rossi, L. Trainelli - Politecnico di Milano, Department of Aerospace Science and Engineering, Milano (Italy)
etc2016 - 36. European Telemetry and Test Conference 2.4 - Non-Intrusive Ice Accretion Detection and Measurement System R. Entz - Airbus Group Innovations, Munich (Germany), R. de Andrage Jorge - University of Sao Paulo (Brazil)
etc2016 - 36. European Telemetry and Test Conference 2.5 - Latest technology in piezoelectric vibration- and pressure sensors and their benefits for measurement S. Meyer - PCB Synotech GmbH, Hückelhoven (Germany)
etc2016 - 36. European Telemetry and Test Conference 2.7 - Fiber optic acoustic pressure sensor with high dynamic range and low noise M. Schmid, M. Müller, B. Kuhnle - fos4X GmbH, Munich (Germany), M. Bauer, R. Pongratz - AIRBUS GROUP Innovations, Taufkirchen (Germany), A. Altmikus - Wobben Research and Development GmbH, Aurich (Germany)