2025 SMSI Poster klein

P7.1 - Ad-hoc Situational Awareness by Optical Sensors in a Research Port Maritime Environment, Approved Networking and Sensor Fusion Technologies

18. GMA/ITG-Fachtagung Sensoren und Messsysteme 2016
2016-05-10 - 2016-05-11
Nürnberg, Germany
P7 Messunsicherheit und Funktionssicherheit von Messsystemen
N. Rüssmeier, O. Zielinski - University of Oldenburg, Wilhelmshaven (Germany), A. Hahn - University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg (Germany), D. Nicklas - University of Bamberg, Bamberg (Germany)
715 - 722


The Research Port provides a physical experimental test bed for sensor data fusion, communication technology and data stream analysis tools to increase safety by observation and monitoring of the maritime environment. New e-navigation technologies can be tested using real industry products. This can reduce time-to-market and help to standardize new technologies.
Optical sensor technology can provide a situational and marine environmental assessment of waterways for (i) online detection of relevant situations, (ii) collection of data for further analysis and (iii) reuse of data, e.g., for training or testing of assistant systems. The setup has to consider maintainability, flexibility and extensibility of the Research Port components. This means that new use cases and applications within the existing Research Port infrastructure can be easily developed and extended by installing new sensors, actuators, and / or software components. Furthermore, the system supports reliable remote communication between onshore and offshore participants.
A series of in situ experiments at the Research Port and within the maritime environment were performed, representing applications and scenarios to demonstrate the capability for the proposed system framework and design.
