2025 SMSI Poster klein

17 - The Implementation of the Health Impact Assessment (HIA) in Val d'Agri (Italy) and the Direct Involvement of Citizens in Monitoring Activities

Sixth Scientific Meeting EuNetAir
2016-10-05 - 2016-10-07
Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
Sixth Scientific Meeting EuNetAir
A. Demarinis Loiotile, G. de Gennaro, S. Petraccone - Department of Biology, University of Bari Aldo Moro, 70126 Bari
65 - 68


Health Impact Assessment (HIA) is a practical tool, which can be used for evaluating the health impact of a proposed program, project, policy, strategy and initiative in sectors that indirectly affect health and well-being and inform decision-makers of these potential outcomes before the decision is made, supporting the identification of appropriate policy options. The ‘Project for the construction of a health impact assessment in the municipalities of Grumento Nova and Viggiano in Val d'Agri’, launched by a multidisciplinary research team, proposes the realization of an HIA in Val d’Agri (Basilicata - South of Italy); the interest for its implementation in this area is due to the presence of the largest Italian gas and oil pre-treatment plant, called the "Centro Oli Val d'Agri" (COVA), which performs a first processing of the crude oil extracted from the various wells on the surrounding territory.
In this project the task of the research group of the University of Bari is to monitor conventional and non-conventional pollutants at the high spatial-temporal resolution, performed by standard and innovative methodological approaches and integrated technologies that are able to provide real time information about the emissive situation and the impacts on the territory. In particular, the project involves the activity of odour monitoring both by means of electronic noses and dynamic olfactometry according to UNI EN 13725. The odour impact assessment will also be carried out by involving citizens by means of an experimental methodology for the detection and evaluation of olfactory annoyance.
