2025 SMSI Poster klein

3.1.1 Vier Rohre messen besser als zwei – die Einführung des weltweit ersten kommerziell erhältlichen 4-Rohr-Coriolis-Massedurchflussmessgeräts

16. GMA/ITG-Fachtagung Sensoren und Messsysteme 2012
2012-05-22 - 2012-05-23
Nürnberg, Germany
3.1 Mechanische Sensoren: Druck + Durchfluss
M. Nuber, C. Huber, M. Braun, M. Anklin - Endress+Hauser Flowtec AG, Reinach (Schweiz)
273 - 281


The introduction of the Coriolis mass flow measuring principle was a milestone in instrumentation. It not only allowed for the most accurate direct mass flow measurement in situ, but also introduced the possibility to measure density at the same time. Thus enabling customers in a variety of industries for most convenient metering even in challenging applications, where other measurement principles reached their limits.
However up to now the Coriolis measurement principle reached its limits when it came to measuring bigger lines sizes of 14 or 16 inches. The geometrical designs of the meters on the market seemed to have reached a natural barrier. Stepping ahead, so the unanimous statement, was restricted due to the huge dimensions and the mass of material needed.
Alas, gaining the lowest error of measurement possible is even more important the higher the Masses flowing through the pipelines are. The need to apply the highest precision in measurement to hydrocarbons was obvious.
The paper presents the world’s first commercial Coriolis mass flow meter with 4 tubes. The working principle is explained and the geometrical and physical advantages of the 4-tube design compared to existing 2-tube designs are highlighted. Golden rules for constructions are given and the effects on the stability of measurement explained. The outstanding measuring performance and the general advantages of the new design are proven on the basis of measuring data performed with water and different crude oils.
The paper also reflects on the mechanical construction of Coriolis mass flow meters in general and highlights the importance of a sophisticated mechanical concept.
