7.1.1 Invited: Chemical Nanoarrays for Early Detection and Screening of Lung Cancer via Volatile Biomarkers

14th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors - IMCS 2012
2012-05-20 - 2012-05-23
Nürnberg/Nuremberg, Germany
7.1 Chemical Sensors for Medical Application
H. Haick, O. Barash, M. Hakim, U. Tisch, R. Ionescu - Department of Chemical Engineering and Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute, Institute of Technology (Israel), P. Bunn, J. Mattei, Y. Miller, T. Kennedy, J. Mitchell, M. Weyant, F. Hirsch, N. Peled - University of Colorado Cancer Center, Divisions of Pulmonary Sciences and Critical Care and Medical Oncology, United States, M. Ilouze - The Thoracic Cancer Research and Detection Center, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Aviv University (Israel)
575 - 578


Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. The cancer’s stage, histology and genetic mutations determine a patient’s prognosis and treatment. Here we present an artificial electronic nose (NA-NOSE), which makes use of cross-reactive chemical sensor nanoarrays, for the detection of volatile biomarkers in breath samples as well as in the headspace of in-vitro cell lines of lung cancer. A series of proof-of-concept studies with the NA-NOSE have shown an excellent ability to distinguish between lung cancer and healthy states, between different histologies of link cancer, and between lung cancer genetic mutations that can benefit from targeted treatments. The proposed biomarker-based testing NA-NOSE technology holds future potential as a cost-effective, fast and reliable diagnostic test for early disease detection and monitoring of the disease progression. The NANOSE would be suitable for use outside of specialist settings and could significantly reduce in the burden on the health budget.
