2025 SMSI Poster klein

Available documents

Event Title Author(s)
14th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors - IMCS 2012 8.1.1 InGaN/GaN nanowire based opto-chemical sensor for detecting hydrogen and hydrocarbons at low temperature S. Paul, A. Helwig, G. Müller - EADS Innovation Works (Germany), J. Teubert, M. Eickhoff - I. Physikalisches Institut, Justus-Liebig-Universität (Germany)
14th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors - IMCS 2012 8.1.2 Recording of living cell membrane depolarisation with AlGaN/GaN sensor A. Podolska, G. Parish, B. Nener - School of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering, The University of Western Australia (Australia), R. Seeber, K. Pfleger - Laboratory for Molecular Endocrinology - GPCRs, Western Australian Institute for Medical Research (WAIMR), and Centre for Medical Research, The University of Western Australia (Australia), U. Mishra - Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California (USA)
14th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors - IMCS 2012 8.1.3 Influence of Oxygen Impurities on the CO/H2 Selectivity of GaN Based Gas Sensors R. Prasad, A. Gurlo, R. Riedel - Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, Fachbereich Material- und Geowissenschaften (Germany), O. Merdrignac-Conanec - Laboratoire Verres et Céramiques, UMR CNRS 6512, Université de Rennes 1 (France), M. Hübner, N. Barsan, U. Weimar - Tübingen University, Faculty of Science, Chemistry Department (Germany)
14th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors - IMCS 2012 8.1.5 Nitrate-selective gallium nitride transistor-based ion sensors with low detection limit M. Myers - CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering (Australia), A. Podolska, T. Pope, F. Khir, B. Nener, M. Baker, G. Parish - The University of Western Australia (Australia)