2025 SMSI Poster klein

4.3 - A multispectral VIS/SWIR sensor suite with integrated laser range finder

AMA Conferences 2015
2015-05-19 - 2015-05-21
Nürnberg, Germany
Proceedings IRS² 2015
I4 - Recent Developments in IR Industry
M. Münzberg, M. Hübner - Airbus DS Optronics GmbH, Oberkochen (Germany)
948 - 956


For long range surveillance tasks the optics for the visible (450 nm – 700 nm) and the short wave infrared (SWIR) spectral wavelength range (900 nm – 1700 nm) are combined with the receiver optics of an integrated laser range finder (LRF) in a multispectral sensor suite. The incoming signal from the scene and the returned laser pulse are collected by the common entrance aperture. The front optics is broadband corrected from 450 nm – 1700 nm. Two beam splitters separate the incoming radiation to the appropriate sensors, such as HDTV CMOS chip, InGaAs focal plane array (FPA) and laser receiver diode. The visible spectrum is at first split up by a dichroic beam splitter and focused on the HDTV camera chip. The returned laser pulse is separated from the scene signal by a second beam splitter and focused on the laser receiver diode of the integrated LRF. The alignment of the LRF transmitter with respect to the line of sight of the SWIR camera can be adjusted by integrated wedges. The two images in the visible and the SWIR spectral range match in focus and field of view (FOV) over the full zoom range of a factor of 11. The SWIR camera has a resolution of 640x512 pixels. The HDTV camera provides a resolution of 1920x1080. In the SWIR path the F-number is adapted to the corresponding chip dimensions defined by the pitch. For a 640 x 512 InGaAs FPA with 20 μm pitch the F# is F/7, for a 640 x 512 InGaAs FPA with 15μm pitch the optics adapts to F/5.25, whereas the F# is F/2.6 for the visible path.
