EC1.4 - Electrochemical Dissolved Hydrogen Sensor Using Securely Adsorbed Platinum Particles on Nitrogen-containing Carbon Electrodes Prepared by Stepwise Electrolysis

17th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors - IMCS 2018
2018-07-15 - 2018-07-19
Vienna, Austria
Electrochemical Sensors 1
H. Matsuura - Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Saitama Institute of Technology, Saitama (Japan), H. Kimura, T. Hosoda, M. Kuwabara - Department of Life Science & Green Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Saitama Institute of Technology, Saitama (Japan)
192 - 193


This paper describes an electrochemically activated platinum/carbon electrode incorporating nitrogen atom containing functional groups that was fabricated by stepwise electrolysis. This electrode exhibited specific electrocatalytic activity in relation to hydrogen oxidation reaction as determined by hydrodynamic voltammetry. In spite of relatively large size platinum particles, they are securely adsorbed on the activated carbon electrode compared with electrodeposited platinum on non-treated glassy carbon electrode. Moreover, we successfully developed an electrochemical sensor for dissolved hydrogen using the electrochemically activated carbon electrode modified with platinum particles as the working electrode. Although platinum particles modified N-terminated carbon electrodes using carbon powder materials have been reported, our nitrogen-containing functional groups introduced glassy carbon electrode is first report to use solid electrode for electrodeposition of platinum particles and apply for oxidizing hydrogen molecules. The solid electrodes are more advantageous for developing hydrogen sensors because it is free standing and does not require other processes for electrode fabrication such as high temperature treatment and modification of Nafion.
