2025 SMSI Poster klein

Available documents

Event Title Author(s)
SMSI 2020 Plenary Talk 1 - Measurement and Sensor Technology in the Digital Transformation Process U. Kaiser - Endress+Hauser Group Services AG, Reinach (Switzerland)
SMSI 2020 Plenary Talk 2 - NIST on a Chip: Revolutionizing metrology through deployable, quantum-based sensors B. Goldstein - National Institute of Standards and Technology
SMSI 2020 Plenary Talk 3 - Realising the Redefined Kelvin Machin - National Physical Laboratory (NPL), Teddington (Great Britain)
SMSI 2020 Plenary Talk 4 - NIST on a Chip: Photonic and Quantum-Based Sensors for Measurements of Pressure, Vacuum, Temperature and Beyond! J. Hendricks, Z. Ahmed, D. Barker, K. Douglass, S. Eckel, J. Fedchak, N. Klimov, J. Ricker, J. Scherschligt - NIST – National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg (USA)
SMSI 2020 Plenary Talk 5 - Measurements beyond the SI: On the Longstanding ExistencP of Metrology-ready Precision Quantities in psychology and the Social Sciences W. Fisher - University of California, Berkeley (USA)
SMSI 2020 A1.1 Analytic Method for Magnetic System Calibration M. Ortner, P. Malagò, S. Lumetti - Silicon Austria Labs, Villach (Austria), D. Spitzer - Infineon Technologies Austria, Villach (Austria), S. Zaruba - Infineon Technologies AG Neubiberg (Germany)
SMSI 2020 A1.2 Noise-free Inspection of Rotary Encoder Magnets K. Vervaeke - Magcam NV, Leuven (Belgium)
SMSI 2020 A1.3 Multichannel Heterodyning-Based Eddy Current Testing with Magnetoresistive Sensors H. Ehlers, M. Pelkner - Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Berlin (Germany), R. Thewes - Institute of Technology Berlin, Berlin (Germany)
SMSI 2020 A1.4 Highly Sensitive Compact Room Temperature Quantum Scalar Magnetometer L. Horsthemke, C. Bischoff, P. Glösekötter - FH Münster - University of Applied Sciences, Steinfurt (Germany), B. Burchard - Elmos Semiconductor AG, Dortmund (Germany), R. Staacke, J. Meijer - Leipzig University, Leipzig (Germany)
SMSI 2020 A2.1 Contributions to Acoustic Loss in Langasite, Langatate, and Catangasite Resonators at High Temperatures W. Johnson - National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder (USA)