2025 SMSI Poster klein

Available documents

Event Title Author(s)
SMSI 2020 A1.1 Analytic Method for Magnetic System Calibration M. Ortner, P. Malagò, S. Lumetti - Silicon Austria Labs, Villach (Austria), D. Spitzer - Infineon Technologies Austria, Villach (Austria), S. Zaruba - Infineon Technologies AG Neubiberg (Germany)
SMSI 2020 A1.2 Noise-free Inspection of Rotary Encoder Magnets K. Vervaeke - Magcam NV, Leuven (Belgium)
SMSI 2020 A1.3 Multichannel Heterodyning-Based Eddy Current Testing with Magnetoresistive Sensors H. Ehlers, M. Pelkner - Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Berlin (Germany), R. Thewes - Institute of Technology Berlin, Berlin (Germany)
SMSI 2020 A1.4 Highly Sensitive Compact Room Temperature Quantum Scalar Magnetometer L. Horsthemke, C. Bischoff, P. Glösekötter - FH Münster - University of Applied Sciences, Steinfurt (Germany), B. Burchard - Elmos Semiconductor AG, Dortmund (Germany), R. Staacke, J. Meijer - Leipzig University, Leipzig (Germany)
SMSI 2020 A2.1 Contributions to Acoustic Loss in Langasite, Langatate, and Catangasite Resonators at High Temperatures W. Johnson - National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder (USA)
SMSI 2020 A2.2 CTGS: Advanced Piezoelectric Single Crystal for Sensor Applications over Extremely Wide Temperature Range A. Sotnikov, R. Weser, H. Schmid - Leibniz IFW Dresden, Dresden (Germany), B. Sorokin - Technological Institute for Superhard and Novel Carbon Materials, Moscow (Russia), Y. Suhak, H. Fritze - Clausthal University of Technology, Goslar (Germany)
SMSI 2020 A2.3 High-Temperature Acoustic Loss in Bulk AlN Piezoelectric Resonators H. Fritze, I. Kogut - Clausthal University of Technology, Goslar (Germany), I. Gamov, K. Irmscher, M. Bickermann - Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung, Berlin (Germany)
SMSI 2020 A2.4 Investigations of the Actuator Based on Lithium Niobate Diffuse Bonded Bimorph Structure U. Yakhnevych, O. Buryy, S. Ubizskii, D. Sugak - Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv (Ukraine), Y. Suhak, H. Fritze - Clausthal University of Technology, Goslar (Germany), I. Syvorotka - Scientific Research Company “Electron-Carat”, Lviv (Ukraine)
SMSI 2020 A2.5 Electrical and Electromechanical Properties of Single Crystalline Li(Nb,Ta)O3 Solid Solutions for High-Temperature Actuator Applications Y. Suhak, B. Jerliu, H. Fritze - Clausthal University of Technology, Goslar (Germany), S. Ganschow - Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung, Berlin (Germany), D. Roshchupkin, B. Red'kin - Institute of Microelectronics Technology and High Purity Materials, Chernogolovka (Russia), S. Sanna - Justus Liebig University Gießen, Gießen (Germany)
SMSI 2020 A3.1 System Design for Low Power Applications with Digital MEMS Sensors P. Stukjunger - STMicroelectronics, Prague (Czech Republic)