2025 SMSI Poster klein

Available documents

Event Title Author(s)
SMSI 2021 Plenary Talk 1 - New Opportunities for Measurement and Sensor Technology through Digitization U. Kaiser - Endress+Hauser AG, Reinach (Switzerland), K. Sommer - TU Ilmenau, Ilmenau (Germany)
SMSI 2021 Plenary Talk 2 - From Sensors to Standards: How NIST on a Chip is Transforming International Metrology B. Goldstein - NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg (USA)
SMSI 2021 Plenary Talk 4 - Progress in Realising the Redefined Kelvin G. Machin, J. Pearce - National Physical Laboratory, Teddington (United Kingdom), M. Sadli - LNE-CNAM,S aint-Denis (France), J. Englert - Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Berlin (Germany), R. Gavioso - Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, Torino (Italy)
SMSI 2021 Plenary Talk 6 - Invariance in Measured Quantities across the Sciences W. Fisher - University of California, Berkeley (USA)
SMSI 2021 Plenary Talk 7 - Quantum-Based Photonic Sensors for Pressure, Vacuum, and Temperature Measurements: A Vison of the Future with NIST on a Chip J. Hendricks, Z. Ahmed, D. Barker, K. Douglass, S. Eckel, J. Fedchak, N. Klimov, J. Ricker, J. Scherschligt - National Institute of Standards and Technology - NIST, Gaithersburg (USA)
SMSI 2021 Plenary Talk 9 - A white paper on quantum sensing with spins in diamond P. Maletinsky - University of Basel, Basel (Switzerland), G. Seniutinas, M. Munsch - Qnami AG, Muttenz (Switzerland)