Available documents

Event Title Author(s)
SMSI 2021 D8.1 Investigation of a Mitigation Strategy for Thermal Effects of X-ray Sources in Computed Tomography F. Binder, B. Baumgärtner, T. Hausotte - Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen (Germany)
SMSI 2021 D8.2 Influence of Continuous Scan Mode and Workpiece Positioning on Dimensional Measurements with Computed Tomography C. Orgeldinger, F. Wohlgemuth, T. Hausotte - Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen (Germany)
SMSI 2021 D8.3 Accuracy Improvement of the Alternating Current Zero Potential Method for Impedimetric Sensor Matrices Z. Hu, D. Chen, O. Kanoun - Technische Universität Chemnitz, Chemnitz (Germany)
SMSI 2021 D8.4 Precision Measurement of the Application-dependent Current Consumption of a Wireless Transceiver Chip T. Doebbert, C. Cammin, G. Scholl - Helmut-Schmidt-University, Hamburg (Germany)