2025 SMSI Poster klein

BS7.5 - A multichannel 3D cell-based biosensor for real-time and non-invasive monitoring of 3D cell proliferation and drug screening

17th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors - IMCS 2018
2018-07-15 - 2018-07-19
Vienna, Austria
Biosensors 7 - Cell Sensing
Y. Pan, X. Wei, H. Wan, P. Wang - Biosensor National Special Laboratory, Key Laboratory for Biomedical Engineering of Education Ministry, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou (China), N. Hu - Harvard–Massachusetts Institute of Technology Division of Health Sciences and Technology (Cambridge)
342 - 343


A multichannel 3D electric cell-substrate impedance sensing assay has been developed for real-time and non-invasive monitoring of 3D cell proliferation and drug susceptibility. In this study, human liver cancer cells (HepG2) was encapsulated in 3D matrigel and cultured in a miniaturized chamber. 3D cell culture systems represent more accurately the actual microenvironment where cells reside in tissues. A pair of vertical golden electrodes were embedded at the opposite sidewalls of the culture chamber for the on-site impedance measurement. Cell density in the 3D construct was shown to be proportional to the impedance magnitude of the entire construct. The homemade portable 8-channel ECIS system was used for long-time noninvasively monitoring the impedance of cells. Moreover, when the cell proliferation reached stagnate phase, real-time impedimetric monitoring of cell viability under different anti-cancer drugs was conducted and the impedance magnitude was directly correlated with the cell viability. The experimental results showed that cell proliferation and drug susceptibility in 3D cell culture model can be monitored by this 3D ECIS system. This 3D cell-based biosensor has a high potential to develop a powerful analytical platform for cancer research and drug screening.
