E3.1 Metrological Support of VNIIFTRI for Air Ions Measurements

SMSI 2020
(did not take place because of Covid-19 virus pandemic)
SMSI 2020 - System of Units and Metrological Infrastructure
E3 Traceability, New Calibration and Testing Methods
P. Zubkov, N. Oganyan - All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Physicotechnical and Radio Engineering Measurements (VNIIFTRI), Moscow region (Russia)
370 - 371


One of the parameters controlled in Russia that characterizes the cleanliness of the working space is the content of ions in a defined volume of air. Air ions are the smallest complexes of atoms or molecules in the air that have a positive or negative charge. Under natural conditions, there are always positively and negatively charged light air ions in the open space air (air of forests, fields, seas and mountains). Scientists have detected a number of remarkable facts. The use of light air ions with negative polarity permits to reduce fatigability and tiredness, and accelerates rehabilitation from fatigue. However, constant presence of many people in a room, placement of equipment in small areas, increased electrostatic or electromagnetic field around the equipment, use of finishing materials that are not suitable for rooms with electronic equipment, leads to the degradation of air ion content in the air. Therefore, in production facilities and in offices it is necessary to control and maintain the ionic composition of the air. In addition, the content of ions in the air is the main quality indicator in aeroionotherapy, where, in order to achieve a therapeutic effect, certain normalized concentration of negative ions in the air is necessary
