2025 SMSI Bannerklein

Available documents

Event Title Author(s)
SMSI 2023 C2.4 - Trust Metrology – A label to ackowledge good pratices in metrology J. Lopez - Collège Français de Metrologie, Paris (France), S. Denaës - Colas, Paris (France)
SMSI 2023 C3.1 - Evaluation of Photoacoustic Detectors for Methyl Bromide Sensing H. Yassine, K. Schmitt, C. Weber, J. Wöllenstein - University of Freiburg, Freiburg (Germany)
SMSI 2023 C3.2 - Using Photoacoustic Wave Interference to Improve the Signal-to-Noise Ratio in Gas Sensors
SMSI 2023 C3.3 - Photoacoustic Sensor for Isotopologic Analysis of Highly Concentrated Methane M. Bahr, M. Wolff - HAW Hamburg, Hamburg (Germany)
SMSI 2023 C3.4 - Everything at once—Linearizing System Response and Enhancing Sensitivity in Photoacoustic Gas Sensors by Demodulation and Filter Tuning S. Essing, G. Schrag - Technical University of Munich, München (Germany), D. Tumpold, G. Dumas, M. Ghaderi - Infineon Technologies AG, Neubiberg (Germany), A. Kravchenko - Infineon Technologies Dresden GmbH, Dresden (Germany)
SMSI 2023 C4.1 - Electroacoustic Ice Detection Using Surface Acoustic Wave Devices P. Schulmeyer, H. Schmidt - Leibniz IFW, Dresden (Germany)
SMSI 2023 C4.2 - Application of Ultrasonic Shear Wave Measurements for the Assessment of Hydrophobicity and Drying Dynamics of Aqueous Droplets I. Bampouri, V. Buckin - University College Dublin, Dublin (Ireland)
SMSI 2023 C4.3 - In-Situ Control of Microphone Responses in an Array A. Ivanov - Landshut University of Applied Sciences, Landshut (Germany)
SMSI 2023 C4.4 - Characterization of a Piezo-Resistive MEMS Microphone for Aero-Acoustic Measurements K. Erbacher - Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin (Germany), C. Bourquard, O. Lokesh, L. Wu - Silicon Austria Labs, Villach (Austria), P. Mackowiak, M. Schneider-Ramelow, - Fraunhofer IZM, Berlin (Germany), H. Ngo - University of Applied Sciences Berlin, Berlin (Germany)
SMSI 2023 C5.1 - Revisiting Environmental Sensing Nodes: Lessons Learned and Way Forward N. Winkler, S. Johann, H. Kohlhoff, P. Neumann - Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung, Berlin (Germany)