Available documents

Event Title Author(s)
SMSI 2021 C9.1 Temporal Hygrometer Characterization: Design and First Test of a New, Metrological Dynamic Testing Infrastructure F. Witt, F. Bubser, V. Ebert - Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Brunswick (Germany), D. Bergmann - Technische Universität Braunschweig, Brunswick (Germany)
SMSI 2021 C9.2 Towards the Assessment of the Accuracy of Measuring the Integral Characteristics of Physical Quantities Using the Sensors of Discrete Values of these Quantities P. Neyezhmakov, A. Prokopov, T. Panasenko, V. Skliarov, A. Shloma - National Scientific Centre “Institute of Metrology”, Kharkiv (Ukraine)
SMSI 2021 C9.3 Detecting Local Delamination of Power Electronic Devices through Thermal-Mechanical Analysis H. Huai, G. Laskin, M. Fratz, T. Seyler, T. Beckmann, A. Bertz, J. Wilde - Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg (Germany)