2025 SMSI Poster klein

P6.4 - MEMS Technology for Production of Different Micro- and Nanodevices

SENSOR+TEST Conferences 2011
2011-06-07 - 2011-06-09
Proceedings SENSOR 2011
P6 - Technology, Materials
A. Kudanovich, N. Mukhurov, L. Paleuskaya - National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk (Belarus), Y. Mironchyk - Belorussian State University, Minsk (Belarus)
608 - 610


Production of microelements and microstructures from anodic alumina (АА) is based on a basis on unique self-organizing morphology formed homogeneous and nanosized pores which are distributed to all length of a film.
Production of different micro- and nanosensors and micro- and nanostructures can be carried out by two ways. The first is based on anisotropic etching of АА, and the topology is formed by usual photolithography. The second way of production of micro and nanodevices is based on local oxidation of aluminium and etching of not reacted aluminium. The main principle of production of different micro- and nanodevices on basis anodic alumina technologies is deposition of metal or active materials (such as AIIIBV or AIIBVI) in a forming matrix. For manufacturing metal micro- and nanomatrixes were formed by a way described above. The basis of a such matrix was aluminium. For the further galvanic depositions of metal or other active elements are required a adhesive layer which is taking place on aluminium. After full filling a matrix by metal or other active elements, anodic alumina completely or partly etched in neutral to adhesive layer etchtant. For example, obtained metal microgear completely repeated a relief of a matrix with the same sharpness of edge. In addition, we create a nanomatrix with deposited in pores several metals and its oxides (after oxidation) and/or active materials (AIIIBV or AIIBVI).
