2025 SMSI Poster klein

4.2.2 InCheck System: a Highly Integrated Silicon Labonchip for Sample Preparation, PCR Amplification and Microarray Detection Towards the Molecular Diagnostics Pointofcare

14th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors - IMCS 2012
2012-05-20 - 2012-05-23
Nürnberg/Nuremberg, Germany
4.2 Biosensors IV (Systems)
S. Petralia, E. Alessi, M. Amore - Molecular Diagnostics Business Unit R&D STMicroelectronics Stradale Primosole (Italy), C. Schneider, E. Klaric, R. Verardo - LNCIB Area Science Park Padriciano (Italy)
341 - 343


The In-Check System is based on a miniaturized silicon lab-on-chip (LoC) where the Polymerase Chain reactor lives together with a customizable microarray module for running a seamless nucleic acid test [1]. This device is designed for accurate temperature performances control, such as accuracy and heating rate provided by both a sophisticated chip calibration process and a precise control by the Temperature Control System (TCS). In addition, the device, is optimized for a microarray fluorescence reading operation by an external instrument, the optical reader (OR). Finally, it is based on micro-fluidic features that enable to load the chip and fill the reaction chambers without the risk of bubble formation or leaks. In this manuscript are reported the experimental results for the detection of human betaglobine gene (HBB) directly from human cells in less than 2 hours in a silicon reactor. The sample preparation process was entirely performed in one single step into the silicon reactor. It was fully characterized by RT-qPCR. We performed also a comparison study showing higher performances in the LoC silicon reactor than the standard tube. Moreover, the DNA extracted was amplified by PCR, and the resulting product hybridized on the microarray. All the results suggest that the hybridization reactions performed on the silicon LoC can be used to exploit the discriminatory power of microarrays for a specific gene detection.
