2025 SMSI Poster klein

Available documents

Event Title Author(s)
SMSI 2023 D3.1 - Methane-Hydrogen Raman Spectra Analysis in Binary Gaseous Mixtures F. Melison, L. Cocola, L. Poletto - CNR, Padova (Italy), E. Meneghin, D. Rossi - Pietro Fiorentini S.p.A., Vicenza (Italy)
SMSI 2023 D3.2 - Raman Spectroscopy applied to detection of grapevine’s disease: the case of Esca detection C. Baratto, G. Ambrosio - CNR-INO, Brescia (Italy), G. Faglia - University of Brescia, Brescia (Italy), M. Turina - CNR-IPSP, Brescia (Italy)
SMSI 2023 D3.3 - How can Raman spectroscopy support optical detection systems for plastic identification in complex recycling streams? A. de Lima Ribeiro, M. Fuchs, S. Lorenz, R. Gloaguen - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Freiberg (Germany), C. Röder, J. Heitmann - Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg (Germany), N. Schüler - Freiberg Instruments GmbH, Freiberg (Germany)
SMSI 2023 D3.4 - Flue gas analysis of wood combustion G. Hagen, J. Herrmann, R. Moos, A. Müller, T. Wöhrl - University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth (Germany), I. Hartmann - Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum, Leipzig (Germany)