2025 SMSI Poster klein

Available documents

Event Title Author(s)
17th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors - IMCS 2018 P2EC.21 - Switchable Potentiometric Sensing Probes E. Zdrachek, E. Bakker - Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, University of Geneva, Geneva (Switzerland)
17th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors - IMCS 2018 P2EC.22 - Nanotechnology-Based Ozone Sensors Exploiting Low- Frequency Impedance Changes for Detection D. Ziegler, A. Marchisio, J. Tulliani - Department of Applied Science and Technology, Politecnico di Torino, Torino (Italy), E. Bekyarova - Carbon Solutions Inc., Riverside, CA (USA), G. Naishadham, K. Naishadham - Wi-Sense LLC, Georgia Tech Campus, Atlanta GA (USA), P. Savi - Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, Politecnico di Torino, Torino (Italy)
17th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors - IMCS 2018 P2EC.23 - Electrochemical gas sensor with LaFeO3 sensing electrode for exhaust gas analysis M. Jędrusik, A. Kopia - AGH University of Science and Technology, WIMiIP, Kraków (Poland), C. Turquat, C. Leroux - Univ Toulon, Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS, IM2NP, Toulon (France)
17th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors - IMCS 2018 P2EC.24 - Synthesis and Characterization of Quasi-Solid-State Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Electrolytes for Electrochemical Gas Sensors S. Kim, S. Park, D. Han, D. Kim - Department of Chemical Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul (Korea), D. Lee, S. Han - ShinWoo Electronics Co.Ltd, Hwa Seoung (Korea), J. Park - Deartment of Materials Engineering, Chosun University, Kwangju (Korea)
17th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors - IMCS 2018 P2EC.25 - Conducting polyaniline/reduced graphene oxide-modified carbon paste electrode for the electrochemical multidetection of ascorbic acid and uric acid J. Baricaua, J. Balitaan - Department of Chemistry, College of Science, University of Santo Tomas (Philippines), K. Santiago - Research Center for the Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Santo Tomas (Philippines)