C1.1 - One-Step Traceability with NIST on a Chip: A Case for the Emergence of Quantum-Based Methods for Metrology and Sensing of Pressure, Vacuum, Temperature, Electric Fields, Mass, Force, and Torque, all enabled by the New SI

SMSI 2023
2023-05-08 - 2023-05-11
C1 - NIST on a Chip for Sensing Metrology and One-Step Tracebility
J. Hendricks, B. Goldstein, A. Artusio-Glimpse, C. Holloway, M. Simons, N. Prajapati, A. Rotunno, S. Berweger, N. Klimov, Z. Ahmed, D. Barker, S. Eckel, J. Fedchak, J. Ricker, K. Douglass, T. Herman, M. Chojnacky, J. Scherschligt, S. Schlamminger, L. Chao, Z. Comden, J. Draganov, T. Bui - National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg (USA), K. Campbell, M. Jayaseelan - University of Colorado, Boulder (USA)


The world is changing. Measurements are everywhere. As sensors are embedded into everyday prod-ucts and electronics, the importance of sensors that give “the right answer” or “none at all” is of growing importance. The traditional role of the national metrology institute (NMI) is also changing with the 2019 revision of the international system of units. This revision removed long-standing artifact-based stand-ards in favor of fundamental constants of nature. Sensors that are built on fundamental physics, con-stants of nature, and in many cases quantum-based systems will open a new paradigm for metrology. NIST has developed the “NIST on a Chip” program with a far-reaching vision that the future of metrology will be based on a new suite of sensor technologies that effectively removes the need for calibration instruments or artifacts to be returned to the NMI for periodic recalibration. This will be due to the inherent stability of these sensors that ideally will be small, compact, take advantage of nanomanufac-turing, nanophotonics, future development of on-chip lasers, frequency combs, photon sources and de-tectors, etc. This paper will briefly discuss the promise for sensors and standards of pressure, vacuum, temperature, electric field, mass, force, and torque.
