2025 SMSI Poster klein

D6.2 - An Ultra-Low Power Wake-Up Receiver for Real-time constrained Wireless Sensor Networks

AMA Conferences 2015
2015-05-19 - 2015-05-21
Nürnberg, Germany
Proceedings SENSOR 2015
D6 - Sensor Electronic
S. Bdiri, F. Derbel - Leipzig University of Applied Sciences, Leipzig (Germany)
612 - 617


Most Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are considered out of reach when deployed in harsh environment. Energy consumption is a critical feature as these networks incorporate battery-powered devices known as wireless sensor nodes (WSn). Typically, the majority of applications don’t need from nodes to remain active all the time. However, what is called idle listening waste most of the energy since the radio transceiver is constantly active. In case of real-time application, the energy-hungry chip remains in idle state, consuming power when communication traffic is considerably low. On the other hand, putting it into sleep state disconnects the node from the network. To cope with such challenge, an ultra-low power radio receiver referred as Wake-Up Receiver (WuRx) handles the idle listening while keeping the main radio completely off. The WuRx consumes much less power than the main transceiver. Embedding such device enables more event-triggered applications where real-time behavior is critical and longer lifetime is mandatory. The WuRx suffers from mediocre sensitivity and signal selectivity as it includes the minimum number of active components in order to remain within the power budget. In this paper, we introduce an ultra-low power WuRx that drains less than 3 μA with a sensitivity −60 dBm. The device can decode a 16-bit wake-up packet (WuPt) with minimally 1% of PER in nearly 10 ms.
