2025 SMSI Poster klein

Available documents

Event Title Author(s)
AMA Conferences 2015 P8.1 - Linear Gas Sensor for Methane based on a Selectively Permeable Membrane M. Bartholmai, S. Ebert, P. Neumann, R. Noske - BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Berlin (Germany), W. Rehak - Optotransmitter-Umweltschutz-Technologie e.V. (OUT e.V.), Berlin (Germany), D. Lazik - Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Halle (Germany)
AMA Conferences 2015 P8.3 - Study of MWCNT/SnO2 Nanocomposite Acetone and Toluene Vapor Sensors V. Aroutiounian, Z. Adamyan, A. Sayunts, E. Khachaturyan, A. Adamyan - Yerevan State University, Yerevan (Armenia)
AMA Conferences 2015 P8.4 - Switching-Type Lambda Sensor Manufactured by Joining of Sintered Zirconia via Glass Solder Paste F. Schubert, S. Wollenhaupt, J. Kita, G. Hagen, R. Moos - University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth (Germany)
AMA Conferences 2015 P8.6 - A New Mathematical Procedure for Simultaneous Analysis of Gases with Resistive Gas Sensors R. Seifert, H. Keller - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen (Germany)
AMA Conferences 2015 P8.7 - Micro gas sensor by MEMS processes for selective dual gas detection of carbon monoxide and methane K. Nam - Ajou University, Suwon Gyeonggi-do (South Korea), I. Kim - R&D Center, Maccon Inc., Bucheon Gyeonggi-do (South Korea), W. Choi - Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gangneung Gangwon (South Korea), Y. Song - Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seongbuk-gu Seoul (South Korea)
AMA Conferences 2015 P8.8 - UTAM ZnO Nanostructured Thin Film CO Sensor A. Mohammed - Al-Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad (Iraq), G. Wilde - University of Muenster, Muenster (Germany)