2025 SMSI Poster klein

A8.2 - Technical textiles for monitoring applications in construction

AMA Conferences 2015
2015-05-19 - 2015-05-21
Nürnberg, Germany
Proceedings SENSOR 2015
A8 - Strain Sensing
M. Schaller - Company for Geo Mechanics and Measurement Techniques (GGB mbH), Espenhain (Germany), E. Thiele - Saxon Textile Research Institute (STFI), Chemnitz (Germany), S. Käseberg, K. Holschemacher - Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK Leipzig), Leipzig (Germany), E. Reuschel - Leipzig Institute for Materials Research and Testing (MFPA Leipzig GmbH), Leipzig (Germany), T. Thiel - Advanced Optics Solutions (AOS GmbH), Dresden (Germany)
177 - 182


The fields of activity in civil engineering are subject to a permanent change. Thereby, maintenance strengthening and monitoring of existing buildings have become more important. An increasing number of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) applications could have been observed. In some of those applications, properties that are inherent to CFRP’s like brittleness and low bonding ductility between the CFRP and concrete has been pointed out to be a challenge, which is considered to refrain this promising technique from a wider range of use.
In this paper, an optical strain sensor applied on FRP system is presented. Thereby optical fibers containing fiber Bragg grating sensors (FBG) are used, being directly integrated in the FRP systems. The recent work is focused on the investigation of reliable fixation and alignment techniques for the silica fibers in order to create a reliable, industrial-grade compound between the sensing FBG element and the FRP system. The paper describes the approach for setting the sensing silica fiber directly on the reinforcing fiber material with an adapted embroidery technique.
An embroidery machine was modified in order to align and fix the optical fiber accurately to the reinforcement carbon fiber. By using such machines, a very high degree of production yield and efficiency has been demonstrated for sample FRP structures that were applied to several objects per a manual lamination technique. The FRP system’s potential was thoroughly evaluated in multiple fourpoint beam bending tests, and long-term interrogation in field tests.
