2025 SMSI Poster klein

A8.3 - Embedded surface-pressure measurement with flexible piezoelectric thin-film sensors

AMA Conferences 2015
2015-05-19 - 2015-05-21
Nürnberg, Germany
Proceedings SENSOR 2015
A8 - Strain Sensing
M. Dimitrov, D. Stapp, D. Ertogrul, P. Kieper, U. Konigorski - Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany)
183 - 189


Flexible thin-film piezoelectric polymer sensor arrays have been proposed in several scientific applications since the early 2000s. Across domains, research has proven that these sensor systems include considerable innovation potential by overriding existing application barriers and cost reduction. Nevertheless, this sensor technology has not yet been industrialized to a large scale industrial appliance or even mass production. Rather, there appears to be a large gap in experience and systematic knowledge compared to conventional piezoelectric sensors. In order to illuminate the sensor-properties of this technology (frequency shift, gain and linearity), the current work examines a generic design of a piezoelectric polymer film sensor array and a corresponding amplification circuitry as an integrated measurement system. In this course, we present the buildup of a test rig that allows to apply a sensor excitation over a wide pressure and frequency range. Using this facility, we perform studies with mono-frequent pressure signals as well as step excitation with high pressure rates, benchmarking the developed thin-film sensor array with a well-known, commercially available reference system. Moreover, we investigate the developed amplification as single component. We compare experimental response to a simulated sensor with numerical and analytical calculations. The results show that the developed measurement system (piezoelectric polymer film sensor array and amplifier) is highly competitive to state-of-the-art, technically mature measurement systems.
